By participating in our affiliate program, you earn on every purchase made by the customers you acquire.

If you buy the following products, you will be credited with a commission of 25%:

  • All wingwave MP3s
  • Offvertising Videos

The commissions are credited to your affiliate account and are paid out as an annual commission within the second quarter of the following year at the latest.

For customer acquisition, we provide you with various tools in the “ Banner & Links ” area:

  • advertising banner
    These banners can be placed on your website by your web designer.
  • Left
    You can send these individual links by e-mail, for example, or post them on social media.

And this is how it works (example "banners on your website")

  1. One of the banners will be placed on your website
  2. A visitor to your website clicks the banner
  3. The visitor is redirected to
  4. If the customer now completes one or more purchases within 2 days, you will be credited with a commission of 25% of the net order value.
    Please note that not all items are part of the affiliate program! The commission is only paid on items in the above product groups.